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Grad Subotica

Subotica from A to Z


Jovan Nenad –The Black  Man - A self-proclaimed emperor of Subotica, a fairy-tale-like figure from Subotica’s past; after the Battle of Mohács in 1526, he suppressed the Turks from South Hungary and founded his short-lived Slavic state. He chose Subotica to be his capital. A quaint black line stretched from his temple to his foot, hence his nickname- The Black Man. He was killed in 1527, during  a confrontation with the Hungarian noblemen. A monument in his honor is found at the Main Square in Subotica.

Jancsik Mátyás  (1864-1903) Subotica’s well-known painter; his most notable piece is entitled- Proglašenje Subotice slobodnim kraljevskim gradom (The Declaration of Subotice as a borough under the Crown).

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