
+381 13 661-122

Grad Subotica

OPTI-BIKE - HUSRB/1602/21/0102

11632_1.jpgProject Title: Optimising traffic in the border zone, planning and construction of bicycle paths

Acronym: OPTI-BIKE

Project ID: HUSRB/1602/21/0102

Total Project budget:  2,566,612.65 EUR

EU contribution (IPA):  2,181,620.74 EUR

Start Date:  01/10/2017

End Date:  30/09/2019

Lead Beneficiary: Grad Subotica (City of Subotica)

Beneficiary 1: Ásotthalom Nagyközségi Önkormányzat (Local Municipality of Ásotthalom)

Beneficiary 2: Tompa Város Önkormányzata (Local government of Tompa city)

Contact information:

Grad Subotica (City of Subotica)

Address: 1 Trg slobode 24000 Subotica, Serbia

Contact person: Ms Erika Kudlik 

Email: ler@subotica.rs

Telephone: +38124626878;  +38163531401

Project Summary:

This project aims to simplify and accelerate the transport by vehicles and bicycles which will be achieved in the following ways:

  • building bicycle paths in Serbia: Subotica, the settlements Bački Vinogradi and Kelebija, and in Hungary – in Tompa and Ásotthalom;
  • planning bicycle paths in Subotica and Tompa;
  • removing bottlenecks at border crossings by defining the model of regulating traffic management.

The main objective will be achieved by constructing the bicycle paths on the both sides of the Hungary-Serbia border. The project intends to optimize the traffic in the border zone. Additionally, by planning and construction of bicycle paths, the project aims to give an opportunity to those who use bicycles as means of transport and as a recreational activity, to arrive to and quickly cross the border from both sides. Furthermore, development of the new bicycle paths will ensure safe biking across the border and the environmental protection (reduction of CO2 emission).


The City of Subotica, as part of implementation of the OPTI-BIKE Project (HUSRB/1602/21/0102) on 1st April 2019. launched a new tender procedure.

The main information about the tender are as follows:

•    Subject of the Tender: Construction of bicycle paths
•    Type of procedure: Local open tender procedure
•    Link to the tender dossier: The tender dossier is available on the official website of the City of Subotica: http://www.subotica.rs/index/page/id/11632/lg/sr
•    Deadline for submission of the tender:  04 June 2019, Tuesday, 13:00 (local time)

Tender documentation

Minutes of meeting - site visit

Works Contract award notice

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